Validation and Updating of FE Models for Structural Analysis

Feb 5-7, 2025

Fullerton, CA

Instructor: Jim Steedman
Partner: Navcon Engineering

During this 3-Day FE Model Validation and Updating seminar, the participants will not only learn the basic principles of test-analysis correlation and finite element model updating, but also get hands-on experience using specialized software (FEMtools).

All aspects of a FE model validation process will be reviewed including the import and correlation of FEA and test models, the correlation of FEA/test data and results, the selection of model updating parameters, the definition of realistic targets, the computation of sensitivity coefficients, running of updating loops and post processing of  results.

Complementary technologies and applications such as probabilistic analysis, pretest planning, structural modifications, force identification and material characterization will also be discussed and applied. Approximately 50% on the time will be spent conducting hands-on laboratories.

Attendees are encouraged to bring a laptop computer with them for use during the laboratory exercises.  We will load a fully functional copy of FEMtools on the laptops which will operate for 30 days.  The software can be used to repeat the the laboratory exercises after the class or for the analysis of the attendees’ FEA/test data.

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